Looking for a holistic approach to life-long wellness for children and adults, stop searching, cause you just found it, it is ballet! So let us focus our attention on the benefits of such a wonderful discipline.
1. Build Physical coordination, grace and posture.
It is a fact and we know it as parents that our kids need to move and burn their surplus of energy, but what makes the difference is how we help them do this. This is where the ballet stands. The reason is that the ballet focus on The on balance, coordination, strength, and poise, and all this demand a lot of concentration and take rid of bad energy .
In ballet, two things that have been proven to benefit in overall health, is the posture and core of the dancer. In fact, every time you dance, you force your body to do a complex set of physical actions (moving different parts of the body in opposing directions, coordinating their movement to music, while simultaneously stretching and controlling your muscles. Your outcome will be that you build yourself long, strong muscles which you can move with intention and coordination. In short, the physical benefits are so good and undeniable.
2. Build Mental strength and focus.
When you move your body, your brain is constantly doing the work! While you are coordinating your movements, you use constantly your brains to build new neural pathways in order to make all of this happen. Plus you need to have discipline and a lot of focus to be able to master ballet.
3. Builds social skills.
It is undeniable that many forms of dance are inherently social. They involve moving together in synchrony and empathy, with direct physical contact. Therefor joining our ballet course, means making new relations and discovering new people that share the same love, that of dancing!
4. Build confidence.
Ballet developpe self-confidence to overcome your fears you build as a dancer throughout the year in your ballet class, because performing on stage before an audience is no small task. It is a wonderful experience to see and feel yourself evolving from nervous in the beginning to confident, finishing the year on stage full of excitement and energy!